My rationale for the contact sheet in general was not to make the hardest and most detailed pictures work for my sheet but so that simple pictures of "life picture". When i say life picture I mean pictures that revealed everyday life but at the same time finishing the work according to the guidelines. The flowers in the resolution section were used because the colors are a good visual especially for resolution. The jets in the format and mode section was to show how the sky and background was different from the gray color of the jet. The man with the pyramid in the Orientation section had no real orientation to the actual work but it showed the different types of print types. The penny picture was great for framing because as you zoomed in and out of the picture you could see the bust of Abraham Lincoln in better detail. The content section with the yellow flowers was also one of my favorites because as you zoomed in and out to create the different types the details were excellent and the flowers center. The final and last picture of the great white shark showed he reflection of the water and the sharks upper torso breaking the water. The biggest challenge I faced was figuring out how to make the pictures fit to the word document because on more than one instance I found that the pictures had not fit right and I had to go back and fix it all. I solved it by going back and asking for help from friends who knew how to do it better than I did. I don't mind asking for help. I'm proud that the document came out as good as it did. If i had more time i would probably tried to do the work more than once to get a better handle on it.